Mac PAL Builder Instructions

Follow these instructions for building, packaging, and installing Pal Builder on Mac

  1. Install Homebrew
  2. Install Java 17 JDK Java 17 JDK
  3. Open Terminal on your Mac
  4. Make a folder somewhere on your mac: mkdir PalBuilderBuild
  5. Download and unzip Pal Builder: wget
  6. Unzip: unzip
  7. Make executable: chmod u+x
  8. Execute it: ./
  9. It should build the package in dist/PalBuilder-unsigned.pkg
  10. Open the dist folder in Finder and double click the .pkg file to install it.
  11. Note: the first time you run Pal Builder you will need to adjust the screen panels. Mouseover and click on the panels for the left menu and editor menus to resize them.